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(Editor's Note: In the Spotlight is written monthly by Michelle Blackmon. To submit a ministry for this column, please email Michelle with your information.)
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...Yakima is located in South Central Washington at the confluence of the Naches and Yakima Rivers. Yakima is the gateway to the Yakima Valley in one direction and the Cascade Mountains on the other. This valley is special, because the valley is full of song and praise; the Lord has foot soldiers making a joyful noise for Him. In this town of about 73,000 Mitch Weary and the Voices for Christ is a singing group of ten people who bring praise and worship to a whole new level. The group has been together for over two years. They are currently in the midst of making their first CD, expected to be out spring or early fall of 2003.
The members of the group all reside in the valley in Yakima. Their leader, Mitch Weary, is copastor at Morning Star Church Of Christ Holiness in Yakima. The group continues to grow as new members are called to sing for the Lord. And sing they do. But this group doesnt just sing, they have a purpose, too.
The goal of the group is to break down the racial walls that exist in churches today. An old song says, Joshua fit the battle of Jericho, Jericho, Jericho, Joshua fit the battle of Jericho, and the walls came a' tumblin' down." One of the things we can learn from that story that God is in the wall-breaking-down business. That is what Mitch Weary and the Voices of Christ do each time they perform. They follow the words of Christ as found in John 13:35 that they shall know you are my people by the love you have for one another. Mitch Weary and the Voices for Christ are just what their name says
voices for Christ
they serve one God. When the group ministers through praise and worship, the faces they see are the faces of Gods people giving Him glory and praise for all He has done. Through their singing, they are able to witness the Lords grace and glory. Have you ever wondered why your efforts to evangelize your community are frustrated? Why does an area seem resistant to the gospel? A few people might get saved, but overall nothing really changes. Our witness is not working. But, for Mitch Weary and the Voices for Christ, their ministry is working.
The group has been blessed to bring their ministry all over Washington State. They sing for local celebrations, anniversaries, carnivals, conventions, funerals, wherever the Lord calls them to serve. They are available to minister for whomever and whenever. For additional information, please call Diane Weary, the wife of Rev. Weary, Musical Director, at 509-575-1381, or email Mitch at
Copyright 2002 by Michelle Blackmon